
    Best 7 Tips For International SEO

    Covid-19 affects the whole world and it resulted in many changes in the online world. People tend to spend more time online. It creates a huge demand for online businesses. But, when it comes to international SEO, it is compulsory to understand different terms like keywords, URL structure, SERPs, page experience, etc. beginning of your company at a digital place needs lots of attraction in front of audiences to which your business belongs to.

    “Search engine” plays a vital role to grow the importance of SEO, on average more than 68% of all online exposure of the audience started with it. Here, we are going through 9 major international SEO tips that will help you to get 100% success.

    1. Hreflang For International Setup

    It is one kind of HTML Characteristic that presents the language in which your content is displayed in. ‘en-uk’ the end of HTML which presents search engines like Language and location in Google when you want to target your content. It becomes pivotal while you focus on any particular language and market.

    Pro Tip: first, focus on only one search engine before you go through the technical optimization of your website. (If you want to optimize your website for Bing or Baidu, Hreflang will not work because it uses meta-tag or content language.)

    2. Always Use The Right URL Structure

    It becomes impossible to reach the audience you want for your content when you make mistake with URL Structure. To successfully get viewed by the audience the things you need to concentrate on are ccTLDs, sub-domains, and subdirectories. 

    Resources play a key role in the method of your URL structure. TLDs is one of the best options if you mastered managing lots of domains at one time. Even, if you are not able to manage domains then you can choose sub-domains. And on the last, you should subdirectory if none of both are suitable for you.

    3. Be Ready For The Page Experience

    If you are a master in the SEO field, you noticed that every time Google makes updates, it seems to be more concentrated on on-page experience. 

    “Always prepare for page Experience if you want to be master in international SEO.” 

    You need to focus on a term called “mobile-only index (mobile-first index)” because it becomes a global issue and we need to be ready for it no matter in which country you operate.

    4. Do Not Use Machine Translation

    If you want to be one step ahead of the market, you must avoid machine translation. Majorities of us find it easiest and quicker to use the translation plugin. But, it causes translation errors when we use any translation plugin because it is unable to identify language nuances.      

    And as we have seen in many cases, translation errors directly affect ranking.

    To avoid this mistake you need to use a local translator with the ability to understand the content of the language. It will not only help you to improve your ranking but also help to protect your reputation in particular consumers.

    5. Different County = Different Keywords & Different Serps

    It is an undeniable truth that the Google algorithm is universal. On the other side, SERPs are hugely dependent on the local level. ie, if you search for any specific product in India, the same thing if you search in the U.S, may show you a totally different result than India.

    Keep in mind the “search volume” if you are going to targeting any particular keyword in several counties. All you need to do is to start analyzing the SERPs, search volume, the meaning of the keywords in locals, etc.

    Always keep two things in mind while you focusing on any particular country-level strategy. Search intent and keyword volume. 

    6. Never Forget To E-A-T

    Stick to a base called “Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.” 

    Points that you keep in mind to build trust

    • Name of Author and biographies in any editorial content
    • Always edit poor E-A-T content
    • Do concentration on personal brand
    • Increase technical security 
    • Do limited user-generated content

    7. Keep Yourself Updated With International And Local Search Trends

    2020 became one the most dramatic in terms of search trends. There are countless keywords that change and trends vary widely across the globe.

    i.e. “Working remotely” increased 82% in searches in the USA from 2019 to 2020. On the other side, the same term in the UK increased more than 175% during the same time.

    There are numerous tools available online like SEOmonitor that help you to find out trends and volume search. 

    There is also a tool called Google Trends that will help you to find out upcoming trends for any particular area.

    Final words

    To succeed in the international SEO market the only thing you need to do is “think more locally”. Broader thinking will help you to increased revenue, a better share of voice, more leads, and many more.

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    Andra Bank
    Andra Bank
    Andra Bank is the founder of VR Bonkers, a premier Content marketing Agency. Andra her become a trusted voice in the industry, Her background encompasses key roles across various agencies, contributing to the content strategies of major brands like TravelRoach & Studio On IOTA. her expertise spans SEO, conversion rate optimisation, and effective content strategies.

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