
    How To Design A Landing Page That Drives Conversions?

    For a business of any size, conversions are key. Not only can this boost the reputation of your company, but for online retailers, this is the increase in sales that can put you above your competitors. In this article, we will be looking into some of the ways that design can help your business to boost its conversions over time.

    Consider The Headline

    Writing the copy for a landing page is much the same as writing an article as you want to grab the attention of the audience from the offset. One of the most efficient ways of achieving this is to consider your headline carefully. You want to perfectly reflect the personality of your business whilst capturing the attention of your audience with something that is also engaging and helpful to audiences.

    By keeping this in line with your business as well as relevant to the other copy on the landing page, this will help to prevent an increased bounce rate for your website.

    Have A Clear Call To Action

    In addition to the headline of your landing page, it is crucial that you have a clear call to action present on the page. Whether this is to encourage people to fill out a form, receive a free quote or download an E-book this will benefit your business as it will encourage people to convert.

    In order to optimise this, it is crucial that you call to action is short and sweet and located numerous times on the page as this will encourage people to interact with your business online.

    Keep Font Readable

    When choosing the typography for your landing page, it is important to keep it simple. This will not only help when it comes to spacing and design, but it will help to ensure that your landing page is readable.

    By using a font that is clear to read, this can then be adopted across a number of platforms with ease, regardless of whether you are using a website design agency or completing the work in the house. This will benefit you in terms of bounce rate also as this will ensure that customers get the information that they need from you as quickly as possible and prevent them from visiting a competitor’s site.

    Follow The Aida Model Of Advertising

    Another successful way of designing a landing page is with the AIDA model in mind. Aida is a basic principle of content marketing and stands for attention, interest, desire and action. By using this as a guide to help you build your landing page, you are then able to cater to the needs of your customers and make a landing page that is fit for purpose.

    This can then be adapted at a later date depending on the success rate to boost conversions over time. This model can also be applied to content marketing strategies for the rest of the website throughout the SEO campaign to ensure that utmost success at all times.

    Use The Colour Emotions Guide To Your Advantage

    When everything else has been planned out and you have a basic skeleton of what you want your landing page to look like, it is then time to add details such as colouring. When looking into the colours that you can use, it is important to look at the emotions that come along with it.

    Colours such as grey often give off the feeling of balance and calm when compared to the colour orange which is often associated with confidence and friendly outcomes. By using a colour chart to look at the different emotions that come along with it, you can then begin to design a landing page that perfectly reflects the business whilst encouraging people to convert.

    Add A Focal Point

    The final way that you can optimise your landing page to boost conversions is by adding a focal point. Science has proven that the brain processes visual information significantly faster than text when reading through an online page and the landing page is no different.

    By adding a focal p=oint in the form of a video, or an image you are then capturing the attention of your audience and encouraging them to read through the rest of the page. When choosing the image or video that is on the page, it is important to keep it relevant as this will help to showcase your business in a positive light, whilst providing them with additional information that is relevant to the text that is featured on the landing page.

    Though there are a number of steps that can be taken to fully optimise your landing page, it is important to note that it will still take time to see an increase in conversions. To get the full potential of changes such as this, you may need to implement this as part of a more in-depth SEO campaign.

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    Andra Bank
    Andra Bank
    Andra Bank is the founder of VR Bonkers, a premier Content marketing Agency. Andra her become a trusted voice in the industry, Her background encompasses key roles across various agencies, contributing to the content strategies of major brands like TravelRoach & Studio On IOTA. her expertise spans SEO, conversion rate optimisation, and effective content strategies.

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