
    Spend 30 Minutes a Day on LinkedIn & Win the Stream of Business Leads

    The question has been raised in the mind of many people after reading the heading “How is this possible?” Many are curious too. Don’t be worried; we come with the strategy for those who need business leads.

    Do you know that “More than 80% B2B leads come from the LinkedIn”? Yes, this is true and several business owners will agree on this too.

    For any business owner; he always wishes for the below 3 things.

    • More Valuable Clients
    • More Repeat Customers
    • More Referrals

    Making wish doesn’t mean that you will get into reality. You need to build a strategy and work accordingly to convert your wish into a reality.

    You will be surprised to know that “More than 60% business developers bring the quality business leads from the LinkedIn Profile only”? While we sometimes call it a “boring” social media platform and use it to find the job only.

    I am damn sure that your perception towards LinkedIn will be changed once you will go through the below strategy steps to win the business leads more than previous days.

    Identify the Ideal Customer Avatar

    First step to follow because if you don’t know “what your customers are?”, “what their actual requirements are?” and “where to find them?” then how can you reach to them and solve their problems.

    To gain new clientele using the LinkedIn platform, you need to give the answers to above questions. How to do that?

    It’s simple, identify the ideal clients by looking at your current client list. Find top 30% clients who have given the most money (in other words, LEADS) in a previous year. Once you got it, throw the rest of 70% clients as they couldn’t help you to earn.

    Now, the next move is to find out the characteristics of these 30% clients. This will help you to build a new connection on LinkedIn which are valuable for your business and also increase the leads flow.

    Free Tip – Once you have a clear idea of what you are actually striving for, you can figure out easily.

    Know the Problems and Challenges of Your Customers & Solve Them

    Something strange step but it creates worth and you all will believe in this after reading the process carefully. Once you have found out your customers, your next move is to find their challenges and problems.

    Identify 2 or 4 challenges or problems they are facing and then solve them with your expertise. “What’s the benefit of this?”

    Solutions given to them allow you to provide beyond the products / services you offer & only hit on what actually matters: 1. the end results 2. The good feeling they will get from the result.

    Keep in Mind: Customers buy end results only not the products.

    Let’s understand this with a simple example “a person does not go to a gift shop to buy a couple gift. He goes to a gift shop to purchase a couple gift so, he can give surprise to her wife on their wedding anniversary and bring a smile on her face.”

    In nutshell, knowing the problems and challenges of your ideal avatar faces will definitely help you solve their problems and at the end, you will havea convenient way to communicate with them.

    Once the above process is done; you only need to head over to LinkedIn & just beef up your business profile.

    Create a Client-Loving LinkedIn Profile

    As we have described in the last step that you need to beef up your LinkedIn profile, but the main question is that “how to create a customer-attracting profile?” Let’s build it.

    Before we start let me show you some interesting statistical data that will make you serious about making a profile which can attract clients. “As per the International Data Corporation, 83% of business professionals see your LinkedIn profile first and then doing business with you.” If your profile does not project well, your clients will click away.

    All your efforts will be in vain, you have done as shown in the second step.

    You need to consider these five factors to make your profile to create a good impact on business professionals’ mind.

    Profile Background The first thing, people see. Let them know who you are and how you can help.

    Profile Image  Always put your photo with smiling face.

    Professional Heading Build a client-focused and benefit-related headline.

    Connection Your profile should have at least 501 connection which will be shown in profile like 500+ connections.

    Summary You should include a provocative statement or question in the very first line rather than your writing your professions.

    Connect & Build Relationship with Your Ideal Clients:

    The very first thing to do when someone is connected with you is “Send him a welcome message”. This message should not be promotional and salesy. You can add some lines which allow your connections to know more about you and your business too.

    Show your willingness to know about their business. For example, “It’s nice to meet you, I would like to know something interesting about you & your business.” Approx. 15-20% people reply to such messages & show their interests to you.

    If you don’t use such statement in the “Welcoming message”; rarely 2% people respond with just “Thanks for connecting” or send their sales letter.

    Please Note Always use such kind of pick-up line to start a conversation with your ideal customer avatar which helps you start a business with them. Keep in touch with your Linkedin Connections. We will see in the next step.

    Keep in Touch with the LinkedIn Connections

    This can be tough for those who don’t take it seriously and carefully. Yes, this is a vital step to win the leads from your ideal customer avatar. Always post something interesting or latest news related to the industries, your targeted audience is belonging to.

    This will help you to get likes and comments on your posts which can help you start the initial conversation. This is a first way to keep in touch with your connection.

    The second one: Send a direct message to your connections with some quality information. The information like “invite them in a seminar which is closely related to their business” or “latest news about the niche industries” or “share your own article with them to read” or “give a compliment on their achievements”.

    Once you start sending messages like these; you will get more response from them while you didn’t get before.

    Get Your Connections on the Conversation Mode

    Yes, this is important because we perform the above steps just to bring the connections on a call. Invite all the connections who respond to your messages to schedule a call to discuss their problems and challenges of their business & help them to solve their issues with your possible ways.

    When you just describe good solutions to their problems on a call; definitely they will hire you to solve the problems. That’s it, your deal is closed from the genuine connections.

    Build Authority of Your LinkedIn Profile

    There is a simple saying that when you solve the problems, they will hire you to solve more problems. This creates a stream for your business and your ship will not sink.

    To build the authority, you need to finish a simple task after completing your client’s project and it is “write a good LinkedIn recommendation”. In which, you should describe how well it was working with the client.

    As you know very well that “LinkedIn will prompt your client to write a recommendation once you recommended to him.

    I think this is the easiest and reliable way to get quality recommendations on the LinkedIn profile which increase the authority of a profile and make it more professional which results into more clients and hence, more recommendations.

    Please Note The recommendations are the social proof and improve the trustworthiness.

    Now, repeat the process to gain more customers and let your business to float smoothly.

    Consistency Matters the Most

    You are not performing the above process on a daily basis, there is no benefit of it. As I already listed in the Title that “Spend 30 Minutes a day”, you need to follow these steps daily and it hardly takes 30 minutes. You will win good leads from the LinkedIn only if you maintain the consistency.

    Is LinkedIn your favorite tool to generate good leads and clients? What strategies do you prefer to attract clients? Leave your good strategy steps or suggestions in the comment section.

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    Andra Bank
    Andra Bank
    Andra Bank is the founder of VR Bonkers, a premier Content marketing Agency. Andra her become a trusted voice in the industry, Her background encompasses key roles across various agencies, contributing to the content strategies of major brands like TravelRoach & Studio On IOTA. her expertise spans SEO, conversion rate optimisation, and effective content strategies.

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