
    Top 9 Twitter Tools to Improve Presence & Stay Ahead of the Game

    Aren’t you using Twitter daily as your prior social media channel to stay connected with your audience? Isn’t this on your list to increase the brand reputation? You are missing a lot.

    Twitter is a well-known social media channel to bring enormous traffic to a website if it is taken care properly using content curation tactics strategies.

    To stay ahead in the game of social media; Twitter is one which can help you. How?This is the biggest question for many but there is a solution too.

    “Top-Rated Twitter Tools” Yes, these tools are free/paid and provide you accurate information about Twitter which helps you improve presence on it and keep you ahead of the game for longer times.

    So, what are you waiting for? Use these below ridiculously simple tools for your brand awareness on Twitter from onwards and win the battle against your competitors.



    If you haven’t used it before; you have missed a lot and if you will not use it from onwards; you will miss too much in the future.

    It’s a kind of Twitter dashboard app to manage the Twitter accounts. Mainly, it interfaces with the API to allow the users to post and get the tweets and also see the profiles.

    It works fine when your brand is going to promote product on the Twitter. All data you can see within the one screen.



    This is called as a “Twitter Growth Tool” which helps you get niche followers and having the features like keyword follow & Copy Followers.

    Easy to schedule tweets to reach maximum users, manage inactive followers & non-followers are the main objective to use this tool. You can engage with your new followers using the auto direct message.



    The main goal of Klout is to help each and every user understand and get benefits from their influences. That’s why it is widely used for identifying the top Twitter Influencers.

    It displays the score from 0 to 100. The higher the score, the better the influencer is. Check your account’s Klout score.



    Commonly known as a Twitter Time Machine. It enables users to search the history of tweets that directly link back to your brand website. It’s a free web app and allows users to search through the tweet archives for the web URLs sent.

    Also, it shows the URL pattern, how it is sent via Twitter. It includes Shortened URLs, Full URLs & URLs without WWW. Check who is talking about your brand, what are their words, how many users are taking interest in your brand image.



    Aren’t aware of this tool? You should be. It is a special type of analytics tool that lets you grow your Twitter social graph.

    You can do analysis like Number of followers, when do they post, their locations, etc. This makes your task simple to find & connect with your brand niche influencers within few minutes.



    It allows you to build alerts for your industry, company, brand, name, particular topics and of course your competitors too.

    Once you create the alerts, you will be informed when you are mentioned on the social web in real-time. It has both free/paid version. Let’s see, who and where are we mentioned?



    A name itself seems something regarding tips to reach on the top. Yes, it’s true. This tool allows you to discover the most current opinions, the best advice, answer for searches & directly engage and share your experience with the real people.

    Start discussion with the real people regarding your niche business topics, right now



    Do you love News? Yes, this is the best tool to use. It allows you to filter real-time news from the Twitter and help you find News which are in trend right now.

    And on that basis, you can proceed for the next move for your brand reputation. Find the influencers for your niche topic and the trending resources.

    How many tools (shown in the above list) are you using to improve the brand reputation through Twitter? Or don’t you use any? Use these simple yet terrific tools to get extraordinary results in short time and also increase the traffic to your website.

    Are you taking advantages of any other Twitter tool for the brand reputation? Share with us in the comment section. We love to discuss it.

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    Andra Bank
    Andra Bank
    Andra Bank is the founder of VR Bonkers, a premier Content marketing Agency. Andra her become a trusted voice in the industry, Her background encompasses key roles across various agencies, contributing to the content strategies of major brands like TravelRoach & Studio On IOTA. her expertise spans SEO, conversion rate optimisation, and effective content strategies.

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