
    How To Use Social Media To Gain Success In Any Business

    Are you a business owner in an urban city such as Mumbai? Then you must know the importance of social media. And if you are not taking advantage of the recent technology trends happening in social media circles, the vast amount of the target audience information will be lost. Or do you take full advantage of social media?

    The platforms are a treasure house of information regarding the buyers or target audience. In this article, let us focus on how to use social media to gain success. Shall we look at some platforms?

    A. LinkedIn

    If there is a platform where you can contact the higher management professionals with ease, it is LinkedIn. If you want to hire a fresher or internet or even a seasoned professional, it is easier to get connected on LinkedIn.

    You can also stay in touch with your contacts or colleagues via this platform even after they have shifted to another company.

    If you are a business owner, it is vital to join business groups in LinkedIn. You can ask relevant questions and actively participate in discussions.

    You need to be in groups relevant to your business, and also in maintaining contact with similar businessmen in the other States of India. If you have a paid version of Sales Navigator, then you can opt for alerts, updates and network access.

    How To Use Social Media To Gain Success by LinkedIn

    Before using LinkedIn, there are a few prerequisites

    • Your profile picture
      should match in terms with your industry or business. Next, your messages
      should communicate the relevant info to the target audience. There should be no
      grammar and spacing mistakes.
    • The messages you post
      should make for an interesting read. Do not post messages, posts or banners
      that have only self-serving content.
    • Be human. Help a friend,
      recommend others and get recommended.
    • You can find like-minded
      people and businessmen on LinkedIn. Ensure you send personalized messages
      during the connection.
    • You need not spend 24/7 on
      LinkedIn to grow your business. Thirty minutes a day is enough.

    Maintain an Excel Sheet with improvements of every month. Then you will notice the increase in sales, revenue that has been achieved because of LinkedIn.

    How To Use Social Media To Gain Success by Twitter

    You can connect with people who have a like-minded business. You need to know the hashtags relevant to your business, industry and of the clients. Do not hesitate to participate in conversations that may require you to ask questions.

    You can make use of similar tools such as HootSuite to connect all the social media platforms. You can also schedule the posts.

    How To Use Social Media To Gain Success by Facebook

    Even the founder of Facebook will not believe its success. It is one of the major platforms to maintain contacts on a personal level with your friends and relatives.

    Please note, there are many who want to keep their business contacts different from the personal. For your business, it is advisable to open a Facebook page and keep on posting banners, images daily to get engaged with your target audience.

    How does anyone remember Facebook in comparison with other social media? In other words, it is a laid back platform, where people log in to hang out with their friends and relatives. To get more engagements with the audience, you can make use of Facebook ads.

    How To Use Social Media To Gain Success by Pinterest

    There is no need to introduce this platform. As per industry experts, this platform is meant for retail, but it can be used effectively to promote any business.

    You can make your business grow into a brand by eye-catching images on Pinterest. Please note that the majority of users on this platform are female.

    Did you introduce any new product or service? Then broadcast on Twitter with the best tags. You can gain enough attractive engagements. But follow the humanitarian trait.

    If a customer has congratulated your services/products, ensure to thank him/her.

    Let us imagine, you have a business concerned with house cleaning in Mumbai. To get the maximum share of the market, you have collaborated with another start-up which offers residential house cleaning services Mumbai, in fact, for the entire city. But you are not satisfied even though the partnership has helped gain a few good contracts.

    So, you have put in place a digital marketing team. They design the best images, posters in tandem with your business and share it on Pinterest and other platforms.

    No doubt, the attractive images have many among the target audience hooked and create engagements. And the business for your company has increased since the digital marketing team has started its operations.  


    How To Use Social Media To Gain Success by YouTube

    One platform that is regularly viewed many the world over is videos. Every business wants to create a video that can go viral. But the chances are very low. To garner a huge section of the market, it is better to try “How to” videos.

    Ensure you have a content and video creation plan, or else the budget used will go to waste. So, what are the three areas you need to focus on Social Media for Sales Research?

    A. Information of Buyers

    If you want to achieve success in your business, you should know the pulse of your target audience. Their requirements, needs, and interests. You can make friends with them via social media platforms.

    Try to share a personal rapport with the audience, and then you can turn them to prospective buyers.

    For example, you are in the laundry business for over a decade. You are also in the customer service list of home appliance repair companies who offer laundry services in Mumbai. Now, to ensure prosperous business, you have a digital marketing team to keep your audience engaged.

    They give you info on the customer’s requirements, the most attractive packages/services in your company and points regarding improvement in products/services from the view of customers.

    B. Industry Trends

    If you maintain a good rapport with your business target audience, is it enough to generate success? There is another aspect which you need to focus on. Your business industry trend.

    The Government can bring new legislation, you can suffer a shortage of raw materials in the industry and many more. You can get to know the new information from your social media circles.

    If a new product or service has been introduced in your business industry, you should have the information. Your social media posts should reflect the present trend. And the new product/service should be made available in your business.

    Then your business will improve. Always note, when you advertise a new product or service in social media, it is easy to make a loud impact.

    By taking the data for the new services/products in the form of likes, shares and the revenue generated, you can make the best use of social media for sales research.

    C. Competitors

    There is another factor that you need to focus on sustaining in the market. The information on competitors. You need to understand where your company stands in the competition.

    And also, your marketing team needs to have in their fingertips regarding the services, products, prices, and discounts of every competitor. Having the same can help devise a proper marketing strategy.

    Are your competitors in the industry making use of only one social media channel? Then check the reason. A technique may be working for them to gain more customers. You can follow the same procedure, but with more efficiency.

    How to Measure Success

    With this topic, we come to the last part of this article on how to use social media to gain success. You need to keep track of the data obtained of interaction with customers, and then compare the revenue.

    There are many analytical tools which can help in this process, for example, Google Analytics. You can also get to know about the article topics that need not be written for the blog. For a positive purpose, you can attach tracking tags to the marketing campaigns to monitor them.

    Please note, the analytical tool needs to be used for every social media platform. There will be some social media platforms which will perform the best for only certain businesses. You can get to know the content platform best for your audience.

    When you are posting on social media, it is the content and the image clarity that matters. So, ensure that these two are met. Also, social media platforms have different sizes.

    Ensure that the images are created differently. You need to have a social media content marketing plan to keep the  customers engaged. And the content can be divided into various types such as articles, videos, podcasts, audio files, and infographics.


    Every customer wants a well-informed company who can offer the best products or services. And by making use of social media, you can keep yourself updated on the changes, identification of new technologies, and uncover areas of common facts in your audience.If you have not made use of social media till now for your business, then get started. The social platforms can help you connect with the target audience, throw light on new trends in your business field and also drive up sales.

    If you have not made use of social media till now for your business, then get started. The social platforms can help you connect with the target audience, throw light on new trends in your business field and also drive up sales.

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    Andra Bank
    Andra Bank
    Andra Bank is the founder of VR Bonkers, a premier Content marketing Agency. Andra her become a trusted voice in the industry, Her background encompasses key roles across various agencies, contributing to the content strategies of major brands like TravelRoach & Studio On IOTA. her expertise spans SEO, conversion rate optimisation, and effective content strategies.

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